

  • 全球营销主管
  • 国际销售主管
  • 国际物流协调员
  • 供应链经理
  • 国际贸易合规经理
  • 全球项目经理
  • 经济学家
  • 信息安全分析师
  • 首席营销官(CMO)
  • 房地产发展经理
  • 业务拓展经理
  • 管理分析师
  • 首席执行官


在中美基督教大学(MACU), an MBA degree with a concentration in International Business has job potential cut straight from the headlines. Never has there been more opportunity for those trained in the skills needed to manage supply chain logistics, 监督国际安全问题, 或者监督产品在全球的营销. The program emphasizes the practical application of business knowledge so that students complete the degree prepared to tackle business anywhere in the world. Among the many careers a Master’s of International Business degree prepares students for, 拥有MBA学位的信息安全分析师预计将增长惊人 未来20年将增长33%. 供应链管理人员 类似的增长预测.

The Master’s of International Business program draws from a deep knowledge base of current business professionals, allowing our students to gain up-to-date information preparing them for the global business world as it is right now. 课程包括对国际经济形势的研究, 还有国际法和全球营销. The work is designed to develop a better understanding of how business practices differ internationally, while learning networking skills you can rely on no matter where you are in the world. 在澳门大学,所有的教学都以基督为中心.



澳门大学的在线MBA课程, 在私立大学中被评为俄克拉荷马州最好的大学, 认证, 加速, 并考虑到繁忙的成人学生设计. 课程 in MACU’s 工商管理硕士 program cost $618 per credit hour, 不需要申请研究生管理入学考试(GMAT). 其他福利包括:

  • 最低的预付费用和完善的入职培训计划
  • 小班授课/师生比例低
  • 将其人化的指令
  • 每次只能连续上一节课
  • 学生服务的完善 
  • 与澳门大学社区有很多联系 

MACU’s program 认证 through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and 学校 (NCA). 虽然这个学位是完全在线提供的, select courses may be offered on campus depending on student interest and faculty availability.

As you prepare to begin your degree at MACU, our enrollment counselors are ready to assist you. 请看看这个可下载的学位表, 介绍澳门大学工商管理硕士(MBA)课程. 不要犹豫,通过电子邮件联系你 (电子邮件保护) 或者打电话 888-888-2341 如果你有任何问题.


以你在澳门大学的学位, you’ll always carry a hidden advantage: the ability to lead from a Christian perspective. You’ll know that ethics and morale management are more important than the bottom line and can encourage those values in those who work on your team.

Your MBA degree from MACU 的地方s you in the elite group of leaders who value ethics above all else. 更重要的是, 当你发展你的商业领导技能, 你的基督教信仰就会成长, incorporating the strong morals and principles required to lead in today’s complicated international business climate.


ACCN 5133


本课程介绍财务报表, 它们的来源和功能, 以及与会计过程有关的管理控制系统, 包括方差分析和预算. It serves as an overview of the 会计 function and its use in the management of the functional units within the organization.



本课程将经济学原理应用于理性的商业运作. 本课程将着重于管理经济学:需求理论, 定价和弹性, 预测和生产水平, 成本, 资本配置, 分布, 和消费. 学生将安卓版客户端机会成本等经济概念, 供给和需求的概念, 利润最大化, 以及货币体系. Economic geopolitical events with cause and effect relationships will be highlighted throughout the course.

FINC 5333


本课程探讨企业对货币资源的利用和分配. 资本预算, 金钱的时间价值, 安全评估, 负债产权结构, 国际金融加权平均资本成本, 其他财务问题也从提供的角度进行审查



本课程介绍人类管理中的行为理论. A critical analysis is performed on the contributions to the organizational behavior discipline and its research as applied to the business environment. The student will apply the theories of its research as applied to the business environment. 学生将运用文化发展的理论, 时间管理, 工作设计, 改变, 动机, 领导力发展, 沟通, 小团体动力学, 以及商务谈判.



This course focuses on the human resource management functions in profit and nonprofit organizations. 主要议题包括:人力资源规划, 法律要求, 工作分析与设计, 招聘, 选择, 放置, 培训和发展, 绩效评估, 职业发展, 薪酬及福利, 奖励制度. It will examine how diverse human resource management functions contribute to corporate profitability and why they are critical to an organization’s long-term survival. Students will explore the interdependencies between human resource and organizational 策略.



This course examines the impact of laws and the 法律 system on the business environment and managerial decision making. 主要主题包括:合同, 商业交易, 机构的关系, 组织选择, 联邦-州-地方治理,特别强调平等就业机会和《安卓版客户端》问题, 物权法, 以及招聘实践. 将特别强调最近影响商业领域的法庭案件.



本课程探讨与产品相关的营销功能和策略, 的地方, 组织提供的商品或服务的价格和促销. The student will become familiar with the elements of a 市场营销 plan and will be capable of analyzing complex situations leading to feasible solutions.



Advanced Professional 沟通 领导 will provide a dynamic range of oral, 写, and 数字 沟通 opportunities that will enhance student experience through diverse presentation methods. 本课程将为学生提供运用概念的机会, 策略, and content selected from individual areas of interest and adapt these labors into public and/or 数字 performances that demonstrate applied skills across multiple modalities.



This course is an in-depth study of the application of the scientific approach to managerial decision making. Students will become familiar with the quantitative methods used in solving business problems. 使用数学建模, the student will formulate computer-based solutions to problems related to operations, 市场营销, 金融, 以及组织中遇到的其他功能.



This course demonstrates the strategic linkage between the functional disciplines (市场营销, 会计, 金融, 法律, 信息系统, 人力资源行为与管理, 和管理科学)中的战略管理过程. 本课程的重点是经理人如何产生, 实现, 评估策略,并作为MBA课程的顶点.



本文回顾了总产出的决定因素, 就业, 工资, 失业, 消费, 投资, 国际贸易流动, 利率, 汇率, prices and inflation in open economies; sources and nature of economic growth; effects of domestic and foreign monetary and fiscal policies; effects of trade and ex改变 rate policies.



This course introduces students to the central concepts of comparative 法律 systems and to major contemporary political economic trends that are reshaping the context in which private international transactions are conducted in North America, 欧洲, 东亚, 还有其他国家.



This course focuses on strategic frameworks and skills that are critical to successfully compete in the global market的地方. 主题包括经济环境的内容, 文化方面, 开展国际业务时出现的道德和法律问题. Students will learn how companies enter foreign markets and grow international subsidiaries, 成功进行并购, 并在合资企业和战略联盟中合作.



全球营销和战略网络 will expand knowledge and familiarity with cross-cultural, 数字, 以及全球营销趋势. 学生们将接触并听到来自国际的声音. 最终, the course’s educational journey embraces experiential learning as a mechanism to broaden knowledge of contemporary transnational practices and perspectives.