Master of Business Administration

Earn a Professionally Focused MBA 在线 at MACU


  • 会计部经理
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • 数据分析师
  • 金融分析师
  • 财务总监
  • 企业主
  • 高层经理
  • Business Operations Manager
  • 非营利组织负责人
  • 投资银行家
  • 营销经理
  • 管理顾问

工商管理硕士(MBA)学位包括深入的研究生爱博体育竞猜app下载,旨在为学生在商业社区中的领导角色做准备. 它提供了理论和实践培训与深入了解金融, 人力资源, 法律 aspects of business management. 包括市场营销和组织行为等主题,以及全球工业.

At Mid-America Christian University (MACU), 我们优秀的学位课程一直被评为国家最好的之一. 你可以向那些在自己的职业生涯中取得巨大成功的商业人士爱博体育竞猜app下载, 你将获得知识和技能,你需要增加你的商业机会,把你的职业生涯到一个新的水平.

Is an MBA Degree Worth It?

Benefits of an MBA degree include advancing your career opportunities, building 领导能力, developing a fund of knowledge in business and management science. 平均, professionals with an MBA earn $20,000 more than an undergraduate degree according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (2020). MBA毕业生通常会从中层管理职位升到高管职位, the pay differential 能高达90%吗 between those with bachelor’s degrees in management and those with MBA degrees. 


General or Concentrated 在线 MBA Degrees Available at MACU

Our challenging curriculum combines leadership development, 组织的发展, 以及运营管理,将我们的学生塑造成未来的高管和商业领袖. 学生通过一次参加一个为期六周的课程来完成18个学分的核心课程. Once the core is completed, 学生可以增加18到27个小时的深度一般商业研究,或者从六个可选的专业中选择.

Concentrations include:

An 在线 MBA Degree Program You Can Incorporate Into Your Busy Life

在线 learning has been offered at MACU since 2008, 所以我们有你需要的经验来帮助你轻松地完成你的学位——一次一个为期六周的课程. It’s a step-by-step program designed to fit into any busy schedule, 你很快就能获得MBA学位所能提供的所有晋升机会. Although this degree is offered completely online, 根据学生的兴趣和教师的可用性,可以在校园提供选择课程.

  • 澳门大学工商管理硕士课程每学分收费618美元.
  • There’s no Graduate 管理 爱博体育竞猜app下载 Test (GMAT) required to apply.


An MBA Degree With Christian Principles and Integrity at Its Core

MBAs are among the most popular graduate degrees in the country. It is one of the few degrees with international recognizability. 但是,发展商业智慧而不发展领导诚信,会在商业世界中留下空白. 澳门大学以基督为中心的教育将缺失的完整性融入课程中, strengthening the ethical foundation of our MBA graduates.

澳门大学的MBA学位课程教导学生在成长基督教信仰的过程中,道德商业领导实践的价值, 结合在当今复杂的商业环境中领导所需的强大道德和原则.

当你准备在澳门大学开始你的学位时,我们的爱博体育竞猜app下载顾问随时准备为你提供帮助. Please take a look at this downloadable degree sheet, featuring an overview of MACU’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. Don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing (电子邮件保护) 或者打电话 888-888-2341 if you have any questions.


Importance of choosing an accredited MBA degree

当你在研究MBA学位时——无论是MBA在线项目还是在校项目——你需要考虑的一个关键因素是 认证. 认证确保大学的研究生课程符合一定的质量标准,并得到雇主的认可.

Candidates, employees with MBA degrees from accredited institutions are preferred

从认可的大学获得研究生学位对美国教育具有重要价值.S. and international students a就像. This is especially true for those pursuing an MBA degree. 一个经过认证的MBA课程不仅能让你掌握宝贵的管理技能,还能让你更有价值 enhances career opportunities and your professional credibility in the eyes of a current or potential employers.

企业更喜欢从认可的大学获得学位的内部和外部求职者, especially when hiring for managerial or executive positions. 有些公司甚至会制定相关政策,要求寻求晋升或晋升的员工必须持有认证机构的学位, especially if they offer 学费报销. 为什么? Because 认证 serves as a mark of academic quality and credibility. 它向雇主保证你接受过严格的教育,并拥有成功所需的必要技能和知识.

Rigorous curriculum ensures high-quality MBA education

经认证的在线MBA课程由高等教育委员会(HLC)等认证机构进行评估。, the organization that’s accredited MACU since 1985. The evaluation process ensures every degree offered, including MBA programs, meet the standards set by these accrediting bodies. 除此之外, they review faculty qualifications, 课程设计, student support services, 爱博体育竞猜app下载成果. By choosing an accredited MBA program online or on campus, 你可以自信地接受职场认可的教育.

Access to networking opportunities

选择认可的MBA课程的另一个优势是有机会与其他在商业和管理领域经验丰富的专业人士建立联系并获得见解. +, 被认可的大学项目通常有强大的校友网络和与行业领导者的合作关系. All these connections can provide valuable networking, 指导, job-access opportunities for students and graduates. 

Value of earning an MBA degree at a faith-based university

Pursuing an MBA online or on campus is a significant investment, it has the potential to significantly impact your career and future. 除了选择一个认可的MBA课程,课程涵盖了企业管理的各个方面, you will also find value and advantages in selecting a 基于信仰的MBA学校 就像 MACU

Benefits of an MBA program grounded in faith

A Christian university 就像 MACU integrates ethics into management practices, 为您提供独特而受欢迎的关于领导和决策诚信的视角. This approach ensures you possess not only strong business acumen, but also a solid foundation in moral principles.

Alignment of career goals and personal beliefs

If you prioritize aligning your career goals with your personal beliefs, a faith-based MBA program can be an excellent fit. 像澳门大学这样的大学开设了安卓版客户端信仰与商业交集的课程, 帮助学生更深入地了解他们的个人价值观如何指导他们的专业努力. 这种一致性也可以培养你在追求职业目标的同时忠于自己的信念的使命感和成就感.

Networking opportunities within the Christian community

在基督教大学攻读MBA硕士学位的另一个优势是,它提供了在基督教社区内建立人脉的机会. At an MBA school 就像 MACU, you’ll get the chance to build: 

  • Relationships with 就像-minded professionals
  • A network that extends beyond the work的地方
  • Connections that may be crucial to your future success

Personal growth and development

In addition to academic knowledge and professional skills, 基督教大学的MBA毕业生在仆人式领导等领域拥有巨大的个人成长潜力, 谦卑, 同情, 同理心——所有这些品质对于任何行业的有效领导者来说都是必不可少的. 课程 will also challenge you to reflect on your own values, 的优势, 和弱点, fostering self-awareness, enhancing interpersonal intelligence, 扩大你与与你想法和信仰不同的人积极互动的能力. 

Enhanced ethical decision-making

以信仰为基础的MBA课程也为你提供了一个强有力的道德框架,指导你的决策过程. 通过案例研究, 讨论, real-world examples, 您将爱博体育竞猜app下载如何驾驭复杂的业务情况,同时考虑您的选择对处于不同利益相关者位置的人的影响. 强调道德决策准备你成为一个负责任的领导者谁优先考虑他人的福祉与商业成功.

Advantages of choosing an MBA program without a GMAT requirement

如前所述,攻读MBA学位可以极大地提升你的职业前景. 然而, 申请需要GMAT(研究生管理入学考试)或GRE(研究生入学考试)成绩的MBA课程的过程可能令人望而生畏, especially given the level of competition. 幸运的是, MBA programs 就像 MACU’s do not require a GMAT or GRE score, which is the perfect option for students who prefer not to take an entrance exam. 

Minimizes time and expenses associated with an MBA degree

Choosing an MBA program 就像 MACU’s, which does not require the GMAT or GRE, can help minimize time and expenses associated with your degree. By avoiding the cost of test preparation courses and registration fees, 你可以消除申请你想要的课程的经济和时间障碍. 另外, programs without test requirements often have more flexible admission criteria, allowing students from diverse backgrounds and experience levels to be considered. 这意味着你可以利用你的专业经验,而不是仅仅依靠考试成绩. 虽然选择性较低, 免考试课程可以快速入学,这样你就可以专注于获得MBA证书. 绕过GMAT/GRE意味着简化录取过程,更快地开始你的学位爱博体育竞猜app下载.

Provides access to higher education for those with relevant work experience

Not all students excel at taking standardized tests 就像 the GMAT, 但这并不意味着他们缺乏在MBA项目中取得成功所必需的资格. Many people have extensive work experience that showcases their business acumen. 

在MACU, we believe talent and potential extend far beyond test scores. That’s why we take a holistic approach to MBA admissions, evaluating candidates based on their professional accomplishments, 学术历史, 建议, personal statements. 这为来自不同背景的学生提供了展示自己能力的机会. 对于那些在现实世界的商业环境中表现出色,但在标准化考试中可能表现不佳的人, MACU offers an accessible pathway to achieve educational aspirations. 我们的多方面的审查过程确定全面发展的申请人谁表现出卓越的领导特质, 分析技巧, the 动机 to succeed in our rigorous MBA program. We welcome diverse perspectives and nontraditional trajectories, 知道丰富的经验使我们的学生最大限度地提高他们的爱博体育竞猜app下载.

Offers 灵活性 for professionals who want to advance their careers quickly

For many working professionals, time is of the essence. 传统的MBA课程通常需要GMAT / GRE考试以及几年的全日制爱博体育竞猜app下载, 对于已经在事业上站稳脚跟或有家庭负担的学生来说,哪些可能是不可行的. 

MBA programs 就像 MACU’s offer a more accessible alternative. 我们的课程提供与传统mba相同的严格课程和实践知识,不需要GMAT/GRE准备和考试, 使您能够在同龄人和教师的支持社区中更快地开始您的爱博体育竞猜app下载,专注于现实世界的领导力. 

Opens doors to a diverse range of career opportunities

Many employers now prioritize real-world experience, 领导能力, practical knowledge over test scores, MBA programs that don’t require entrance exams are part of that evolution. Curriculum at MBA schools 就像 MACU is developed with input from business leaders, ensuring you graduate with skills that translate immediately to the work的地方. Without the barriers and exam prep of tests 就像 the GMAT, you can quickly leverage your MBA to take the next step in your career. 


Can I work full-time while pursuing an MBA degree?

绝对! One of the key advantages of an online MBA program 就像 MACU’s is 灵活性. You can typically complete coursework for an online MBA degree at your own pace, 让你平衡个人和工作的承诺,同时推进你的教育.

Will earning an online MBA be as valuable as attending classes on campus?

是的! 许多像澳门大学这样的认证大学提供严格的在线MBA课程,与传统的校园学位同等价值. 只要大学在学术界和产业界得到认可和认可, employers will view your online MBA program degree positively.


是的, many universities, including MACU, help students access financial aid and military education and training benefits. 联邦选项 may also be available for those who enroll, depending on eligibility criteria.

Can I specialize in a specific area within my online MBA program?

绝对! 许多学生选择在线MBA课程,这些课程提供像澳门大学这样的专业, 比如交流, CPA 会计 or management 会计, 医疗管理, human resource managementinternational business management. 这些集中让在线MBA课程的大学生在获得学位的同时发展特定领域的专业知识.

How long does it typically take to complete an online MBA program?

The duration of an online MBA program varies depending on many factors. 平均而言,完成一个在线MBA课程可能需要一到三年的时间. 在MACU, MBA students take one six-week course at a time, a step-by-step program designed to fit into any busy schedule. 联系 a MACU admissions counselor to learn more. 

Request 更多的 Information


ACCN 5133


This course introduces the financial statement, their sources and functions, managerial control systems involved with the 会计 process, including variance analysis and budgeting. 它概述了会计职能及其在组织内各职能单位管理中的应用.


Managerial Economics in the Globalized Environment

This course applies the principles of economics to rational business operations. The course will focus on managerial economics: demand theory, 定价和弹性, forecasting and production levels, 成本, 资本配置, 分布, 和消费. Students will explore such economic concepts as opportunity 成本, the concepts of supply versus demand, 利润最大化, 以及货币体系. 具有因果关系的经济地缘政治事件将贯穿整个课程.

FINC 5333

Modern Corporate Finance

This course examines corporate utilization and allocation of monetary resources. 资本预算, the time value of money, 安全评估, 负债产权结构, international 金融 weighted average cost of capital, other financial issues are examined with a view toward providing


Organizational Behavior

This course introduces the theories of behavior in human management. 对组织行为学科及其应用于商业环境的研究的贡献进行了批判性分析. 该学生将把其研究的理论应用于商业环境. The student will apply the theories of culture development, 时间管理, 工作设计, 改变, 动机, leadership development, 沟通, 小团体动力学, negotiation in the business setting.


Human Resource 管理

本课程的重点是营利和非营利组织的人力资源管理职能. Major topics include: human resource planning, 法律要求, job analysis and design, 招聘, 选择, 放置, training and development, performance appraisals, 职业发展, compensation and benefits, 奖励制度. 它将研究如何多样化的人力资源管理功能有助于企业的盈利能力,为什么他们是一个组织的长期生存至关重要. 学生将安卓版客户端人力资源和组织战略之间的相互依赖关系.


Legal Environment and Ethics

本课程探讨法律和法律制度对商业环境和管理决策的影响. Major topics include: contracts, commercial transactions, 机构的关系, 组织选择, federal-state-local governance with special emphasis on EEOC and ADA issues, 物权法, 以及招聘实践. Special emphasis will be 的地方d on recent court cases impacting the business arena.


Marketing Analysis and Strategy, Sales and Consumer Behavior

This course examines the 市场营销 functions and 策略 related to the product, 的地方, price and promotion of goods or services provided by the organization. 学生将熟悉营销计划的要素,并能够分析复杂的情况,从而得出可行的解决方案.


Advanced Professional 沟通 and 领导 Practicum

高级专业沟通领导将提供动态范围的口头, 写, 数字交流的机会,将通过不同的演示方法,提高学生的经验. The course will posit opportunities for students to employ concepts, 策略, 从个人感兴趣的领域中选择内容,并将这些劳动改编成公共和/或数字表演,展示跨多种模式的应用技能.


管理 Science/Operations 管理

本课程是对科学方法在管理决策中的应用的深入研究. 学生将熟悉用于解决商业问题的定量方法. Using mathematical modeling, 该学生将制定基于计算机的操作相关问题的解决方案, 市场营销, 金融, other functions encountered in organizations.


Strategic Business 管理

本课程展示了功能学科(市场营销)之间的战略联系, 会计, 金融, 法律, 信息系统, human resource behavior and management, management science) within the strategic management process. This course focuses on how managers originate, 实现, assess 策略 and serves as a capstone for the MBA program.