

  • 商业智能(BI)开发人员
  • 数据分析师
  • 数据工程师
  • 数据科学家
  • 数字营销经理
  • 医疗保健数据分析师
  • IT系统分析员
  • 业务分析师
  • 定量分析

Jump Start an In-Demand Career With a 数据分析 Degree 在线 or 在校园

As 组织s of all types turn to data for risk analysis and identification of opportunities, 数据分析领域继续呈指数级增长. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 统计学家, 信息安全分析师, 数据科学家 十大增长最快的职业之一 2020年至2030年. As the first in 俄克拉荷马州homa to launch a dedicated 数据分析 Bachelor’s Degree, let Mid-America Christian University (MACU) equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to advance in this promising field.

Our unique data analytics undergraduate degree mixes aspects of our well-established business and mathematics degree 程序s with information technology, 包括数据挖掘, 优化, 和仿真. You’ll learn to use industry-standard data analysis tools as well as develop the soft skills necessary to become a critical thinker and ethical leader in any workplace, 将你塑造成一个全面发展的专业人士.

数据分析也可作为集中与我们的 工商管理学士 程序.


A Data Science Bachelor’s Degree 在线 That’s Accredited, Accelerated, Affordable

在MACU, 我们帮助成年人成功获得认证, 加速, and affordable online data analytics degree in a supportive learning environment. 与我们的 生活经验学分, eligible students can receive up to 30 credits for a wide range of prior learning, including 军事 培训、职业爱博体育竞猜app下载、事工、社区服务等等. +, online undergraduates take just one five-week class at a time in a consecutive order, 帮助他们专注于一门课程, 一位教授, 每次只做一组作业. 如果工作或家里发生了意想不到的事情, students can take the time off and easily jump back into school where they left off.

MACU makes entry into its online degree 程序s as easy as possible for adults through:

  • 最低的预付费用和良好的定位. MACU offers free placement testing and a thorough financial review before students even start. +, the first course in every online degree 程序 (no book purchase required) helps students get comfortable with the online learning process, 包括澳门大学的爱博体育竞猜app下载管理系统.
  • 学生们有足够的时间来决定大学是否适合他们. 小班授课和强大的学生服务团队. 教师与学生的比例较低, 辅导, and other student services means students will receive all the attention and support they need to succeed.
  • 社区发展. 尽一切可能, 澳门大学帮助在线学生感觉他们是社区的一部分, both among their classroom peers and with certain aspects of on-campus life.
  • 整个人的成长. MACU helps students to mature spiritually and ethically by placing Christian principles at the foundation of each course.

As you prepare to begin your degree at MACU, our enrollment counselors are ready to assist you. 请看看这个可下载的学位表, 介绍澳门大学的数据分析学位课程. 不要犹豫,通过电子邮件联系你 (电子邮件保护) 或者打电话 888-888-2341 如果你有任何问题.


作为一名私人, 以信仰为基础的大学,平衡职业安卓版客户端, 四年制学位, 以及最好的小校园和大城市生活, 在俄克拉荷马城攻读数据分析师学位, 俄克拉荷马州.,校园是一个很好的选择.

找到完美的实习机会. 会见潜在雇主. 享受美食,现场音乐,和朋友一起参加有趣的活动. 去徒步旅行或者去野生动物保护区. 乘坐有轨电车、公共汽车、自行车或踏板车轻松地四处旅行. 不管你的兴趣或职业目标是什么, MACU和俄克拉荷马城为你提供了做你喜欢的事情的机会. From competitive and recreational athletics and esports to a wide range of groups, 活动, 和事件, 澳门大学的校园生活既充满活力又安全. 如果你想寻找更多,你一定会在俄克拉何马州发现它. 人口不断增长,超过640人,000, 这座城市拥有非凡的职业发展经历, 还有数不清的餐馆, 购物中心, 娱乐场所.


在MACU, 我们相信从圣经的角度教导的重要性, which means ethics from the Christian perspective are part of every course. Students who take our Bachelor of 数据分析 程序 are encouraged to think carefully and thoroughly about the challenges inherent in today’s data collection environment, 包括个人资料的拥有权, 对透明度和隐私的需求, 收集每个数据点的意图, 数据分析结果, 算法的创建和使用, 和更多的.


CMSC 1203 *


This course lays the foundation of 程序ming using flowcharts and pseudocode. 它发展了对编程中的逻辑和算法的理解. The focus is on developing 程序ming skills and knowledge by implementing conditional statements, 循环, 和功能.

CMSC 3103 *


本课程培养学生收集数据的能力, 使用科学的方法进行数据分析, 解释研究结果, write and present an insightful and well-organized report of findings.

CMSC 3463 *


Students create secure database applications using advanced database development tools and techniques. 主题包括变量类型, 逻辑结构, 创建并使用程序单元, 子程序和函数, 动态SQL, 数据库开发与利用, 访问控制和数据库安全实用程序.

CMSC 4103


本课程涵盖R语言的基本语法, 从变量和基本运算开始, 进展到数据结构,比如向量, 矩阵, 数据框架和列表. 使用R的图形功能, 学生将创建数据可视化, 数据展示.



Informal study of differentiation and integration as applied primarily to polynomial, 指数, 和对数函数. Intended for students planning to major in business, life science, and social science.



关于直线性质推广的研究. 主题包括:线性方程, 矩阵, 决定因素, 向量, 向量空间, 线性变换, 特征值和特征向量.



An introduction to the fundamental ideas of discrete mathematics and a foundation for the development of more advanced mathematical concepts. 涵盖的主题包括:数论, 集合和集合上的运算, 逻辑, 排列和组合, 功能, 树, 图论与群.

数学3703 *


The course is a complete introduction to basic statistics as a method of analysis. Statistics is a powerful tool that is used in the business world and in the behavioral science area extensively. This course will provide the student with a working knowledge of statistical terms and formulas. The student will use Microsoft Excel as the medium technology throughout the course. 本课程要求使用Microsoft Excel电子表格程序.

数学4113 *


Mathematical modeling is a mathematical tool for solving real world problems. 在本课程中,学生爱博体育竞猜app下载解决问题的过程. 他们爱博体育竞猜app下载如何识别问题, 构建或选择合适的模型, 弄清楚需要收集哪些数据, 测试模型的有效性, 计算解决方案并实现模型. Emphasis lies on model construction in order to promote student creativity and demonstrate the link between theoretical mathematics and real-world applications.



This course lays the foundation of 程序ming using flowcharts and pseudocode. 它发展了对编程中的逻辑和算法的理解. The focus is on developing 程序ming skills and knowledge by implementing conditional statements, 循环, 和功能.



该学生将涵盖广泛的资讯科技管理范畴, including web development and how it is used in business; outsourcing, 合同, 云计算与内部数据管理. The course will be a basic overview of IT management and the role it plays in business environments.



This course provides a foundation for understanding the broad concepts of successful planning, 组织, 以及软件开发领域内的实现, 增强, 和recon-figuration. This course uses real-world examples and identifies common mistakes and pitfalls. Topics covered include project scoping, estimating, budgeting, scheduling, tracking, and controlling.



This course will introduce the student to the basics of a relational database design. The student will learn to develop a relational database and use structured query language (SQL) to make database calls. The course is designed to provide a student with a sound overview of databases and a strong introduction to the use of SQL.

协定4663 *


本课程将侧重于数据的分析和建模. A major aspect of business is to provide a model to management to make sound decisions. 学生将爱博体育竞猜app下载如何访问数据, glean applicable information and then present this data in a manner meaningful to decision makers.

*Courses are required for an optional concentration in 数据分析 in one of the following Bachelor’s degree 程序s: